Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thing 29. Google Tools

I used Google Alerts as an experiment, seeking more information about one of the topics in which I'm interested, neoliberalism and libraries. (My other blog, In a Chilly Place, is centered on this topic, if you're interested.) The topic is not one that I figured would generate much content, and it hasn't. I've gotten two hits in a week. So, I think I'll change the alert just to neoliberalism and see what happens. I might be overwhelmed with too much stuff, but we'll see. In any case, I had no problem using Google Alerts, and think the application could be quite useful for gathering current info for research projects, etc.

The other tool I used is Google Sites. I just wanted to set up a simple website for family information. The usual: what's happening with the us, the kids, the pets, some images, stuff for the rest of the clan to enjoy. So far I haven't added any pages to the first, but I'll get around to it. Here's a link to it, Jeff's World (I know, dumb title.) Anybody or group wanting a simple website could use Google Sites; the app. makes it easy to create a site and add to it.

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