Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thing 43. Online TV and video

Hulu's a great way to spend some time; there's tons of content like old tv shows and movies. Not all are complete shows, but there's enough of 'em there to spend DAYS watching. Of course, Hulu's not the only site offering such stuff. It seems like there's more of them every minute. Joost is from the Skype folks, and it's a lot easier to use now that you don't have to download a player. The site has lots of movie, tv and music, too. Then there's YouTube (improving their player, so complete episodes can be viewed) and other sites such as LikeTelevision and Veoh, which offer similiar content and are pretty cool, as well.

The network and cable channels are also offering more and more stuff. In the case of the networks, it's free, but the cable network sites often bait you with a few episodes of a new show, then turn it over to pay-per-view only. Jerks!--what are they trying to do, make a buck or something?

Online TV is the future. With increasing bandwith availability and better players like Flash 9, as well as increasing use of devices like Slingbox to enable internet access on your living-room flatscreen, online will eventually take over from cable and broadcast. DVDs, too. Look at how Netflix and Blockbuster are doing the streaming thing now. In fact, I predict the DVD store will be a thing of the past eventually, just like the video store. To rephrase the title of MTV's very-first video: The internet killed the DVD star.

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