Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing 42. Music 2.0

I've been using Pandora for quite a while, both on the home box and laptop and on Touch, too. There's a free ap. from iTunes called Slacker that's pretty cool, too. It's just a bit more youth oriented than Pandora, with more stations offering electronic stuff and hiphop.

I like the search engines that link you to radio stations around the world. It's kind of like when you were a kid (this will date me) and you've got your transister radio under the pillow. It was way-cool to be able to pull in baseball games from faraway towns like St. Louis or Cincinatti on hot summer nights when the ionsphere was weird and allowed cosmic radio shenanigans to happen. Once on vacation in Brainerd, I even got an Orlando station on an old black and white TV! Anyway, it's very cool to be able to access radio stations from just about anywhere. The only trouble is most of the stations don't stream very well.

I also use LastFM, which is a great site. It's fantastic to find both music and vids at the same place. Here's a widget with my profile (very limited at this time):

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