Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thing 44. The Economy

This Thing started off with some thrift and money-management sites that I found conceptually problematic: for the most part, they offered money management tools that I'm reluctant to use. I'm just not comfortable letting such sites have access to account numbers, the accounts themselves, credit-card transaction records and the like. I mean, most folks in the know about internet security scoff at the mere plausibility of online safety; for the most part, they think that the sheer number of numbers (social security, checking account, and so forth) out there is the only safety factor to be guaranteed--too many numbers, too few blackhats...yet.

That said, some of the sites this Thing linked to seem worthwhile:
A site that lets you find the best gas prices in the area. Cool--if you're ready to accept the irony of using up gas while driving to get it cheaper.
What can you say: buy anything, anywhere. It's what killed the newspaper.
This site is a great idea. It allows you to recycle your stuff and find other things that folks have made available. I checked my local group and was pleased to see so much activity.
MadCity Chickens
I just like this site 'cause our neigbors used to have a couple chickens, and I miss seeing them strutting around in the yard, cockle doodlin'.

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